Auto Developing Machine Medical Film Processor FPM800A
- Roller washing
- Once a week (Mon.)
- Developer, fixer preparation
- As necessary
- Maintenance and inspection (by Fuji Film Medical)
- Every other month
Capillary Sequencer ABI PRISM31
- Polymer exchange, buffer exchange, capillary exchange (as necessary), pump block washing (as necessary)
- about every 10 days
Microscopy (main)
- Lens cleaning
- Once a month
- Soak lens paper or cotton swab in ethanol, and remove dirt.
- Check the lens with loupe.
Freezing Microtome Cryostat CM3000II
- Internal Cleaning
- Once a month
- 庫内洗浄
- 不定期(年次停電前、大型連休前など)
多機能超遠心機 Optima L-70K / 卓上型超遠心機 OptimaTLX
- Maintenance and inspection (by Beckton Dickinson)
- 年一回
フローサイトメーター FACSCalibur
- ライン洗浄
- 隔週一回(月曜・午前)
Gene Chip Analysis System
- Fluidics Station / Weekly protocol
- Fluidics Station / Monthly protocol
- スキャナー補正
It is conducted when it is used on Mon. morning.
Refrigerator , Freezer
- 霜取り
- 必要に応じて
Ultrapure Water Production System, Pure Water Production System (ORGANO)
- 巡回点検(オルガノ社による)
- 不定期
Liquid Nitrogen Tank
- 液体窒素補充
- 必要に応じて
Safety Cabinet
- 点検整備(エアーテック社による)
- 数年に一度
1st Day: Seal up the safety cabinet and formalin reek
2nd Day: It is neutralized with ammonia. Maintenance.
Real Time PCR7500 System
- キャリブレーション
- 半年に一回程度
- ブロックの洗浄、制御パソコンのデータの整理
- 必要に応じて