Faculty position, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR or LECTURER at Institute of Resource Development and Analysis
The Institute of Resource Development and Analysis (IRDA) at Kumamoto University invites applications for a tenure-track Associate Professor or tenure-track Lecturer position in life science research. The position is available beginning March 1st, 2021, or as soon as possible thereafter. Appointment at this rank is for a period of up to five years. Kumamoto University has supported the "Improvement of Research Environment for Young Researchers" Program from the Japan Science and Technology Agency since 2012. This program aims at developing independent research environments and tenure-track opportunities for young
Through it, Kumamoto University offers young scientists tenure-track positions with
1) financial support to prepare them to become future leaders in scientific research,
2) opportunities to perform their own research independently, and 3) a research environment to inspire innovation and creativity.
IRDA was established in 2003 to promote advanced research into multi-disciplinary life science fields based on genetically modified mice; their generation, phenotypic analysis, and preservation; and database construction. The IRDA is currently searching for Ph.D.-holding applicants who are well versed in mouse genetic engineering techniques. Candidates should be able to adopt and develop new technologies, such as genome editing, and be willing to use these technologies to promote the latest research in the fields of development, reproduction, genetics, and life sciences. A faculty member in this tenure-track position will receive technical support for the generation, production, and analysis of genetically modified disease model mice, including access to specialized equipment and mouse breeding rooms.
Candidates should submit original prints of documents (1) to (6) of the completed application (see below) on A4 or US letter paper size, and a copy of the application forms (excluding the reference letter) as PDF files on recordable media (e.g., CD-R) to the "Submission Address" provided below.
"Application Process and Guidelines"
Positions: Tenure-Track Associate Professor or Tenure-Track Lecturer
Affiliation: Priority Organization for Innovation and Excellence
Area of Research Interest: Life science research involving, molecular biology; genetic engineering; developmental biology; reproductive engineering, biotechnology, and systems biology
(1) Ph.D. degree
(2) Outstanding record of life science research accomplishment and expertise
(3) High motivation to teach and conduct research at Kumamoto University
(4) Ability to work enthusiastically and harmoniously with colleagues and staff
Beginning Date: March 1st, 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter
Working Conditions:
(1) Work Hours: Flexible
(2) Term of Appointment: Fixed-Term (See "Employment Period" below)
(3) Trial Employment Period: Six Months
(4) Place of Work: Honjoï½¥Kuhonji Campus Central, Kumamoto University
(5) Possibility of Overtime, Holiday, or Night Work: Yes
(6) Wages: Determined by the Kumamoto University Regulations on Salary for Employees Subject to the Annual Salary System (2nd category)
(7) Social Insurance: Mutual Aid Association of MEXT, Employment Insurance, and Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance
(8) Employer: National University Corporation Kumamoto University.
Employment Period: Five years
An interim evaluation will be held after 3 years of employment and the final tenure review will be conducted approximately 4.5 years after employment. A tenured associate professor or tenured lecturer position at IRDA will be awarded to the successful candidate at the completion of his/her tenure-track position if his /her review scores were "Excellent, A Grade."
The qualifications of the candidate will be determined on the basis of:
(1) Research Performance
(2) Educational Performance
(3) Research Accomplishment
(4) Academic and Scientific Activities (e.g. dual academic appointments, involvement in scientific
meetings and committees, contributions to scientific journals, etc.)
(5) Acquisition of External Research Funding
(6) Other relevant accomplishment/performance
If the tenure-track candidate scores "Average, B Grade" on the tenure review, he/she may remain in the tenure-track position for another three years, and another tenure review will be conducted after 7 years of employment. If the tenure-track candidate fails to pass the second tenure review, he/she will
not be allowed to continue on the track. If candidate's tenure review score was "Poor, C Grade", he/she can select to continue in a non-tenure-track position for another one year. If, during the appointed periods above, the candidate's mentor or the director of IRDA believes that he/she has performed extremely well in their activities, the candidate would have a chance to receive an additional tenure review. However, if the candidate receives a "Bad, D Grade" in their tenure review, the appointment will be concluded 5 years after employment.
The tenure-track candidate may extend his/her tenure-track position to compensate for lost time incurred due to a long-term maternity/paternity/family leave of absence (no more than the number of dates missed, maximum of two years total).
Research Funding and Resources:
(1) One million Japanese yen will be provided annually over the first three years for the research, and another one million yen will be granted as a start-up fund in the first year. The tenure-track candidate will be expected to apply for internal and external competitive grants.
(2) Laboratory and office space will be provided, and the tenure-track candidate will get special support for model mice production, analysis, and colony development.
(3) An IRDA professor will act as a mentor to support research activities.
(4) To accumulate teaching experience, tenure-track candidates will supervise graduate students or be given teaching options.
Application Documents:
(1) One reference letter
(2) Curriculum Vitae (including email address and contact information)
Please note where you took special leave (maternity/paternity/family) in the past, if any.
(3) List of accomplishments
(4) Bibliography of your most significant publications
For selected paper (10 entries mainly from the last five years), please provide two copies for each publication with condensed summaries within 250 words.
(5) A statement of research and teaching accomplishments
(6) A statement of research interests and teaching philosophy
You can download these forms from the following Application form.
Please save Forms (2) - (6) on recordable media (e.g. CD-R) as Word documents.
Submit the completed application package to the "Submission Address" below.
The submitted documents and media will not be returned.
Deadline: All application materials must be received by November 13th, 2020
Review Procedure:
First-round Screening: Review of application documents
Second-round Screening: Seminar and discussion
Travel expenses will be covered according to Kumamoto University Regulations and Policies. (Please
contact us for details.)
Submission Address:
General Affairs Office,
Administrative Office for Life Sciences, Kumamoto University,
2-2-1 Honjo, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto-ken 860-0811, Japan
TEL: +81-96-373-6636
E-mail: iys-senter@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
Please write "Tenure-Track Associate Professor or Lecturer Position Application" in red on the envelope.
For further information about the position:
Please contact via email:
Professor Kimi Araki, IRDA, Kumamoto University
University Policies:
(1) All personal information provided will be used solely for the purpose of assessing the applicant's eligibility for the position according to the Kumamoto University regulations and policies.
(2) Kumamoto University is committed to gender equality and seeks to provide equal opportunities based on the "Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society."
For more information, please refer to: http://gender.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/